


Information on this website is our opinion only. This site was created to help others considering this wonderful lifestyle, and for our own use.

Our Travel Adventures

Welcome to the Adventures of Larry and Connie Farquhar.

Friends and Family In Quartzsite, AZ

Friends and Family In Quartzsite, AZ

Almost every year, we stay in Quartzsite AZ with friends from the "Boomers" group, a part of the Escapees RV Club. This year, Larry's brother Kenny and Mary with their granddaughter Lily came to camp with us for a few days. In addition, friends Joanie and Steve stopped by for the night and friends Alan and Silvana camped with us for over a week.

Aerial video taken on January 23rd, 2016 with a 3D Robotics Solo and GoPro Hero 4 Black. Music by "The Piano Guys".

We arrived in Quartzsite, AZ on January 17th and will stay until February 2nd. This is dry-camping (boondocking) at it's finest. Great friends in a great, quiet location.

We've been spending the past few months at the Casa Grande RV Resort in Casa Grande, AZ. This was a nice resort with full hookups. We visited with our daughter Cynthia and her boyfriend Matthew in many occasions. Connie's Aunt Sally also lives nearby, which we visited with. Sitting still for a few months gave us the chance to catch-up on somne needed work (updates) in our websites. While it was a nice way to spend some "quiet" time staying in one place (and enjoying the hot tub), it's also nice to be on the move again.

Location (Map)

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Aerial View of Ancient Intaglios
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Comments 3

Guest - Joanie Stevens on Tuesday, 26 January 2016 06:53

Your drone is fascinating, Larry. What a fun hobby! Love the 'orbit' feature. Thank you guys for a fun stay, meal and welcoming.
Steve & Joanie

Your drone is fascinating, Larry. What a fun hobby! Love the 'orbit' feature. Thank you guys for a fun stay, meal and welcoming. Steve & Joanie
Guest - Dave Ostrander on Wednesday, 27 January 2016 11:40

Hi Larry
Hadn't noticed you had a blog. Signing up. Great pictures of Boomerville, and we hope to make it next year.

The first pic is vertical and I would like to rotate it 90 degrees CCW, but can't figure out how to do it. Kinda hard to view laying my head on the desk.

Dave O

Hi Larry Hadn't noticed you had a blog. Signing up. Great pictures of Boomerville, and we hope to make it next year. The first pic is vertical and I would like to rotate it 90 degrees CCW, but can't figure out how to do it. Kinda hard to view laying my head on the desk. Dave O
Larry Farquhar on Wednesday, 27 January 2016 13:38

Hi Dave, The vertical photo must be unique to your system or browser. It looks fine on 3 computers that I've tested it with.

Glad to see you found us! Maybe you can make it to Boomerville next year!

Hi Dave, The vertical photo must be unique to your system or browser. It looks fine on 3 computers that I've tested it with. Glad to see you found us! Maybe you can make it to Boomerville next year!
Monday, 17 February 2025