


Information on this website is our opinion only. This site was created to help others considering this wonderful lifestyle, and for our own use.

Our Travel Adventures

Welcome to the Adventures of Larry and Connie Farquhar.

Tampa RV Show and Scottish Highland Games

SAM_2490 Farquhar Clan Coat of Arms

The grass is starting to get high around the wheels of the motorhome, as we're still at Manatee Cove Family Campground at Patrick AFB near Cocoa Beach, Florida. We've been here for the past 3 1/2 months, with two weeks left before we start our 2020 traveling. The weather has finally cooled off into the upper 60's. We're even running the heater most mornings now. But the bugs continue to keep attacking us, making our arms itchy!

Tampa RV Show

A couple weeks ago, the RV Park sponsored a trip to the Tampa RV Show. A small group took a shuttle to the Tampa State Fairgrounds for the show and received free admission. We weren't looking for a new RV, but were curious on what the new 2020 models looked like. Boy they're getting fancy (and more expensive)! We walked around for four hours in the heat and left without a new motorhome. The show was huge, but not too crowded. The worst part of the trip was the long 6-hour shuttle ride (round trip) with almost no air-conditioning.

Scottish Highland Games

Our other recent adventure was a day trip to Winter Springs Florida to watch the 43rd annual Scottish Highland Games! This was one crowded event! My heritage is from Scotland as part of the Farquharson clan (although I'm a "Farquhar"). During this two-day festival, area Scottish clans & societies gather to compete in athletic events, highland dancing, & piping to celebrate their rich heritage. Although we had to fight the crowds, it was a good day watching  the games, enjoying the food, and watching the marching drum and bag-pipe units. We even saw my clan!

Great Food!
The Clan Parade
Farquharson Clan
Scottish Dancing Competition

Over these past couple of weeks, there's been a couple more space launches. I"m surprised at how often they are doing them. There's another one scheduled next week. Otherwise, we've just been relaxing and planning our upcoming year. We've made a few more reservations for our 2020 travels. We're leaving Patrick AFB in a couple weeks, heading to Disney World! We'll spend a week at Disney's "Fort Wilderness" RV Park. We have our eldest daughter Leslie and our two grand-daughters Kaylee and Khloe flying in from Seattle to spend the week with us. The motorhome will be crowded, Disney will be crowded, and we'll be worn out each day. All worth it for the lifetime memories we'll be making!

Location (Map)

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Comments 2

Guest - Tom Shaw on Friday, 31 January 2020 16:02

Skin so Soft often deters no see ums.

[i]Skin so Soft[/i] often deters no see ums.
Larry Farquhar on Wednesday, 05 February 2020 03:19

Thanks! We may need to try some!

Thanks! We may need to try some!
Tuesday, 18 February 2025