


Information on this website is our opinion only. This site was created to help others considering this wonderful lifestyle, and for our own use.

Our Travel Adventures

Welcome to the Adventures of Larry and Connie Farquhar.

Playing Tourist in New Mexico, Part 1

Fort Bayard Officers Row, circa 1910

While staying at the Pancho Villa State Park in New Mexico, we spent the last 12 days relaxing, working a bit on the computers, and playing tourists. One day, we had a few road-runners chasing each other for hours. I think the female was going to eventually loose that battle. The state park has a nice, small museum explaining what happened in March 1916 with the raid by Mexican General "Pancho" Vi...

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Playing Tourist in New Mexico, Part 2

Our site at Elephant Butte State Park, NM

We've been fairly busy here at Elephant Butte State Park near Truth or Consequences in New Mexico. We got a nice site looking out over the lake, in the distance. There's plenty of "dry-camping" available, either in a developed site or just out in the desert. Some people are even camping out on long sandy points, just a few feet from the water. When we got here a couple weeks ago, it was getting do...

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2019 Travels Begin

Our temporary home in Quartzsite, AZ

We don't like to make many reservations, as it forces us to stick to a schedule. We prefer the freedom to go and stay as long as want, changing plans as needed. A reservation prevents this. However, we know there are certain places and times of the year when a reservation is required. We just weigh our options and "might" make a reservation if it's a busy holiday and there's not many alternatives....

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The Blog is Back!

Although we haven't been keeping this Blog active, we are still traveling full-time in our motor home. This blog isn't read much and has been replaced with "Facebook". Connie prefers to write her journal on Facebook.For the past couple years, nothing special has happened with us. We still worked in Colorado during the summer for about 6-months, then spent the winter 6-months in strolling around th...

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My Entry into the 3DR Solo Video Competition

The 3DR Solo Owners Group on Facebook usually hosts a monthly video competition of videos taken with the 3DR Solo. Back in June 2015, I won first prize for a photograph I entered into the 3DR Iris Photo competition. My entry into this month's video competition added a little humor about a upcoming fictitous feature to be added to the application (Solo App) used to fly the 3DR drone. Here's the vid...

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