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Our Travel Adventures

Welcome to the Adventures of Larry and Connie Farquhar.

Beer, Chocolate, and Waffles, Oh My!

20210906_130010-2 Belgium Beer Sampler 🍺
The walk into town.

 September 5th & 6th, 2021

Thanks to everyone who answered our shout out on Facebook on where to go before we have to be in Paris. Bruges (Brugge) Belgium is the destination most of you said we shouldn't miss. I have to say, I think this was my favorite city on this trip, or reading the title of this blog, is it the foodie in me that says it's my favorite?

The walk into town.

We found a nice camping spot on the Park4Night app. Parking Kanaaleiland in Brugge is at a marina on the Vestan River. For €25 ($30 US) a night, it included electric and a service point for dumping waste water and our toilet cassette and fifty cents for drinking water. It was also only a 25 minute walk to the old market square of town, where we wanted to go. Since we arrived on Sunday, we decided to make the day a catch up on the computer day, saving Monday for our exploring day.

We set off around 9am allowing ourselves plenty of time before the shops opened for the day. Our route took us through a nice park and then into the streets and alleys of town. Our first stop was at a shop selling Belgium waffles. When we were in Roosdaal, I bought a package of pancake puffs, similar to our American "silver dollar" sized pancakes, but these had a richer flavor. It was a large bag so we were able to enjoy them for a few breakfasts, but it was time to try the waffles! You can get your waffles with a huge assortment of toppings: chocolate sauce, Nutella, fresh fruits, whipped cream, ice cream, in any combination there of. I stuck with the basic plain with powdered sugar, Larry chose his with a strawberry syrup. I'm thinking I may be able to re-create these with my sourdough starter, I can't wait to get home to give it a try. 

On the walk into town.
A chocolate shop.
On the walk into town.
Chocolate monkeys!
One of the many lace shops.
Another chocolate shop!
Hand-making lace.
Yummy waffles.

Later, we spotted a chocolate shop, then another, then another. They were everywhere! In between yummy food shops of chocolate and waffles were shops selling lace and tapestries, some of them were handmade.

Our destination was to the Market Square to see the Belfrey of Bruges. Along the way we saw some beautiful large churches and buildings. We decided to take a City Bus to see the sights. Well worth the €40 ($48 US). It was nice to learn the name of some of the buildings and churches and their history. There were even windmills! Originally there were 25 windmills, but now only 4 remain. I wish this was a hop-on hop-off tour as I would have liked to have had a closer view of them. 

Our beer sample flight
A delicious lunch

After our tour it was lunch time. I told Larry he could choose the restaurant, and he did well. There were many little cafes with patio seating around the market square to choose from. We both had one of their lunch specials. Steak & fries for Larry, mussels & fries for me. We shared a 3 beer flight and then we shared a ½ liter of beer. Maybe not the cheapest lunch at €52 ($62.40 US) total, but it was delicious. I haven't drank this much beer, (since we've been in Europe) since I don't know when, and they have all been yummy!

After lunch I wanted to wander into some more shops. Larry found a bench in the square and told me to take my time! Being a bit worn-out, we decided to take an Uber back to the motorhome. We had perfect day out and we loved the city of Bruges Belgium.

3 days left before we return the motorhome.

Location (Map)

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Operation Dynamo, 1940
Why Not Belgium?

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Comments 5

Guest - Marcie Speer on Tuesday, 07 September 2021 13:07

I have enjoyed being on this trip with the two of you! I could almost smell the chocolate shops and taste the waffles. Glad you are having so much fun. Hard to believe it’s almost over.

I have enjoyed being on this trip with the two of you! I could almost smell the chocolate shops and taste the waffles. Glad you are having so much fun. Hard to believe it’s almost over.
Connie Farquhar on Tuesday, 07 September 2021 13:43

Thanks Marcie! Time really did fly.

Thanks Marcie! Time really did fly.
Guest - Beth Wallace on Tuesday, 07 September 2021 13:55
Beautiful and thanks

I loved the commentary and pictures. I especially loved the pics you took where there was hardly anyone in them. Those must have been on your walk to the square/market. Thanks so much for sharing!

I loved the commentary and pictures. I especially loved the pics you took where there was hardly anyone in them. Those must have been on your walk to the square/market. Thanks so much for sharing!
Connie Farquhar on Tuesday, 07 September 2021 14:20

Thanks Beth! It wasn't so hard getting a picture in the morning before the shops opened up, but later in the afternoon there were a few more people out, though it really wasn't overly crowded.

Thanks Beth! It wasn't so hard getting a picture in the morning before the shops opened up, but later in the afternoon there were a few more people out, though it really wasn't overly crowded.
Guest - Ann Collins on Wednesday, 08 September 2021 08:37

Thank you for these lovely posts on your European camping trip. I've enjoyed them as well as your comments.

Thank you for these lovely posts on your European camping trip. I've enjoyed them as well as your comments.
Tuesday, 22 October 2024