


Information on this website is our opinion only. This site was created to help others considering this wonderful lifestyle, and for our own use.

Our Travel Adventures

Welcome to the Adventures of Larry and Connie Farquhar.

December 2008 Travel Log

winter-landscap_20190323-200809_1 Merry Christmas!

12/21/08: Queen Creek, AZ: I've been told that I haven't posted an update on Kaylee's (2 yrs old) surgery. Everything went well and she seems to be happy and active again. Of course, it was a few rough days for her and the parents. Connie and I watched the new baby while Mom and Dad stayed with Kaylee in the hospital. The other big news is Connie finally beat me in a game of racquetball! That makes a score of 1 win for her to about 70 for me. 

We're still hitting the gym pretty regularly, and our sore muscles remind us. We're still playing the grand parents every few days. We also went four-wheeling the other day with a couple of other guests staying in the RV Park. It was a fun and sunny day in the desert. But we forgot how these desert rocky trails can jar the kidneys!

Larry's dad is coming down from Prescott, AZ to visit for Christmas for a few days. We're looking forward to the festivities, as long as we can watch how much we eat! Connie's going to prepare another wonderful feast for the family.

Merry Christmas to Everyone!

12/3/08: Queen Creek, AZ: Baby Khloe Mae Smith is now 2 weeks old and is doing great. She does what newborns do best - eat and sleep. Hmmm.... sounds kind of nice. Connie and I have been going over to our daughter's house every couple of days to help out (mostly Connie). Our youngest daughter, Cynthia, also had us over to her new house for dinner and a movie. We also recently spent the day with Boomer friends Bill and Diane. We've been running into them every year or two. You can read about their travel adventures at We also met with some of our summer employment co-workers (including Larry's new boss) for a day. Larry's new position as an "Operations Manager" does require a little work every month during the winter. It's mostly recruiting camp hosts for the upcoming season. We enjoyed spending the day with them, even if it was mostly "shop talk". On a seperate day, we also had lunch with Rick and Cookie, who we worked with last year. They'll be working with us again this coming season in our new location. Larry hired Rick as one of his "Site Managers", with Cookie being a camp host.

As you can tell, we've been kept busy on the family and social scene, with a little work thrown in as well. If that's not enough, we've decided to try and get into better shape and lose some weight. Since we're staying in one location all winter and are not working, we figured we have the time. Our main goal is to lose 30 pounds each. We committed ourselves and joined the local "LA Fitness" club. This large fully equipped gym, pool, sauna, racquetball courts, and more is costing us $35 each per month. With no registration fee, it was the best plan we could get without a long term commitment. We're only going to be here 3 months. Already, we've been to the gym almost everyday to play racquetball and start a "strength training" program on the weight equipment. We would liked to have a personal trainer helping and encouraging us, but the least expensive program was still over $200 a month. Although we're both very sore right now, we're optimistic we'll lose the intended weight. We're also very competitive with each other and really try to win our racquetball games. Wish us luck in our goals and sticking with the program. I'm sure we'll publish progress reports as we go along.

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January 2009 Travel Log
November 2008 Travel Log


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