


Information on this website is our opinion only. This site was created to help others considering this wonderful lifestyle, and for our own use.

Our Travel Adventures

Welcome to the Adventures of Larry and Connie Farquhar.

Day 32 - "Epic" New Zealand Adventure 2022

4 Hobbits at Hobbiton

 We can't get over how beautiful the rolling green hills are here. We're told it's not like this all year, we just happen to be here at the right time. The weather has been fantastic, with just a couple days of rain at the beginning of our driving. Since then, it's been sunny and warm. We arrived in the small coastal town of Hahei and enjoyed a picnic lunch along the Coromandel Peninsula. We ...

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Day 26 - "Epic" New Zealand Adventure 2022

Connie and Joyce Going Māori

We hadn't made any definite plans on what to do in Tahiti. Originally, we tried to get a daytrip to visit the nearby island of Moorea, but that didn't pan out. They were already fully booked for the trip we wanted to take. We arrived in Papeete, Tahiti in the afternoon, with the ship staying in port for a couple nights. Bob and Joyce took a few short walks off ship. We tried to rent a car for...

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  1055 Hits

Day 13 - "Epic" New Zealand Adventure 2022

Onboard the Majestic Princess Cruise Ship

Although we're on the 13th day of our "epic" 57-day adventure, we got a few days head start, Bob and Joyce, our travel friends from Florida, arrived at our home in Arizona 5 days before we embarked on this trip. While Connie and I have slowed down on our US travels, they continue to travel in their motorhome 6-8 months a year. For this trip, they set a snail's pace rushing from Florida to Ari...

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"Epic" New Zealand Adventure 2022

Majestic Princess

It has been a little over a year since our last adventure to Europe. As soon as we got home we started planning for this year's adventure and boy is it a doozy and we won't be alone! Our partners in this adventure are going to be our good friends Bob & Joyce Childre (aka Riff & Raff), who are driving their motorhome from their home in FL and will join us in AZ in about 2 weeks. From here w...

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New Camping Trailer

Grand Design Imagine XLS 17MKE

A couple years ago, we drastically changed our travel plans and traveling style. After traveling full time for 16 years, we sold our beloved 40' Tiffin Phaeton diesel motor home. We (again) purchased a traditional "sticks and bricks" house. There are several reasons why we made this huge change in our lifestyle. It was a change we had been talking about for a while and the timing wa...

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