


Information on this website is our opinion only. This site was created to help others considering this wonderful lifestyle, and for our own use.

Our Travel Adventures

Welcome to the Adventures of Larry and Connie Farquhar.

June 2007 Travel Log

06/12/07: Huntington Lake, Sierra NF, CA: One of the main reason's we select a specific area to work for the season is to enjoy the local area. While here, we wanted to visit Yosemite National Park and the Sequoia National Forest, both a couple hours away (in opposite directions). We're just finishing our 2 days off this week, but we made a mini vacation to Yosemite. We left the motorhome and originally thought of tent camping in Yosemite, but knew we only had a couple days. We elected to stay in a hotel and eat out, which is more expensive, but utilizes our limited time better. Besides, we got a hotel with a hot tub!

We enjoyed our mini vacation to Oakhurst, CA, which is 14 miles from Yosemite. We spent a day exploring the southern parts of Yosemite, including the Mariposa Sequoia tree grove, and Yosemite Valley. This is a beautiful park, but Connie didn't think it was anything more spectacular than where we're working. We did a couple short hikes, observed numerous waterfalls, and the well know El Capiton and Half Dome rock formations. We rode the free tram around Yosemite Valley and spent much time in the Visitor's Center. We'd never been to Yosemite before, except individually many years ago as kids. Luckily, it wasn't very crowded yet. Perhaps someday, we can return and camp in the park and spend more time. But this mini-vacation was well deserved from our recent hard work getting the campgrounds open.

Half Dome, Yosemite NP, CABridal Veil Falls, Yosemite NP, CABridal Veil Falls, Yosemite NP, CAYosemite Valley, Yosemite NP, CASequoia Tree, Yosemite NP, CASequoia Tree Roots, Yosemite NP, CA

06/05/07: Huntington Lake, Sierra NF, CA: I've updated the expense report to include May's expenses. WOW! This is one of the reason's we like (and need) to stop for the season and work. Since we're so far from the city of Fresno, I expect our expenses will remain low for the next few months. We're not moving, so there's no motorhome gas expense. I'm provided a company truck and Connie works right out our front door, so Jeep fuel expenses will remain low. Either we're too tired or there's not many places near here to dine, so our dining bill will also remain low. However, when we do head into Fresno, we'll continue to treat ourselves to breakfast or lunch out. Our grocery bill was higher than expected, partly since Connie made a trip to SAM's club with friends. That always cost over $100!

Enjoying a trip on Huntington Lake, CAThis past week has slowed down with camper's. But we know school is letting out soon and the rush will be on for the next few months. The Huntington Lake Resort treated our worker's to an evening on the lake on a party boat. They even provided pizza and sodas. We really appreciated it, and it was a good Public Relations deal for them. Many of the camp hosts now know what is available at this marina and dining and will probably recommend our camp guests to go there. The otherHuntington Lake, CA night, our camp hosts from Billy Creek campgrounds held a potluck for fellow worker's. It was nice for all of use to get together again. Since we're all spread out over 7 campgrounds, we don't get together often. Perhaps we can try to have these potlucks every couple weeks.

Location (Map)

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July 2007 Travel Log
May 2007 Travel Log


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